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The center

It is a cabin located in the sector near the maloka, the dining room / living room and the other houses in the center, so there is the possibility of having a daily interaction with the other attendees...

When the culture of traditional medicine of the Peruvian jungle talks about “master plants and trees”, it refers to the ability to obtain healing, wisdom and knowledge of the medicine directly from the plants, in an intimate relationship of communication that occurs in the process of the diets, especially during the dream state...

The location of the center Ojo de Luna on the banks of this lake, was not only decided upon due to its beautiful landscapes, but also by the enormous spiritual energy that the lake possesses. According to the local town’s history, in ancient times, this lake was considered to be a place where healers came to diet plants..

Achunisanango (Ziziphus cinnamomum): Cures the common cold, decay of the body, and sexual impotence...

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